Sedimentary control on permeability heterogeneity: The middle Buntsandstein continental sandstones (Lower Triassic, eastern France)

Titre Sedimentary control on permeability heterogeneity: The middle Buntsandstein continental sandstones (Lower Triassic, eastern France)
Type de document article
Auteur(s) Bofill , L. , Bozetti, G., Schäfer, G., Ghienne , J.-F., Schuster, M., Heap M. J., , Knobelock, G.,, Scherer, C., Armenlenti , G. , de Souza, E.
Date 2025
Titre de la publication Marine and Petroleum Geology
Volume 173
Nombre de pages 22
Collection Notre bibliothèque
Bofill , L. , Bozetti, G., Schäfer, G., Ghienne , J.-F., Schuster, M., Heap M. J., , Knobelock, G.,, Scherer, C., Armenlenti , G. , de Souza, E., 2025. Sedimentary control on permeability heterogeneity: The middle Buntsandstein continental sandstones (Lower Triassic, eastern France). Marine and Petroleum Geology. 173. 22 p.

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