Overview of the subsurface structural pattern of the Paris Basin (France): Insights from the reprocessing and interpretation of regional seismic lines

Titre Overview of the subsurface structural pattern of the Paris Basin (France): Insights from the reprocessing and interpretation of regional seismic lines
Type de document article
Auteur(s) Beccaletto, L., Hanot, F., Serrano, O. & Marc, S.
Date 2011
Titre de la publication Marine and Petroleum Geology
Volume 28
N° de page(s) 861-879
Collection Notre bibliothèque
Beccaletto, L., Hanot, F., Serrano, O. & Marc, S., 2011. Overview of the subsurface structural pattern of the Paris Basin (France): Insights from the reprocessing and interpretation of regional seismic lines. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 28. p. 861-879.

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