Natural Fracture Systems in CBM Reservoirs of the Lorraine–Saar Coal Basin from the Standpoint of X-ray Computer Tomography

Titre Natural Fracture Systems in CBM Reservoirs of the Lorraine–Saar Coal Basin from the Standpoint of X-ray Computer Tomography
Titre court Natural Fracture Systems in CBM Reservoirs of the Lorraine–Saar Coal Basin from the Standpoint of X-ray Computer Tomography
Type de document article
Auteur(s) Privalov, V.
Pironon, J.
Donato, P. de
Michels, R.
Morlot, C.
Izart, A.
Date 2021
Titre de la publication Environmental Sciences Proceedings
Volume 5
N° de page(s) 1-9
Collection Notre bibliothèque
Privalov, V. et al., 2021. Natural Fracture Systems in CBM Reservoirs of the Lorraine–Saar Coal Basin from the Standpoint of X-ray Computer Tomography. Environmental Sciences Proceedings. 5 n° 12. p. 1-9.

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