Continental sedimentation, soil genesis and marine transgression in the basal beds of the Cretaceous in the east of the Paris Basin

Titre Continental sedimentation, soil genesis and marine transgression in the basal beds of the Cretaceous in the east of the Paris Basin
Titre court Continental sedimentation, soil genesis and marine transgression in the basal beds of the Cretaceous in the east of the Paris Basin
Type de document article
Auteur(s) Meyer, R.
Date 1976
Titre de la publication Sedimentology
Lieu d'édition Amsterdam
Volume 23
N° de page(s) 235-253
Collection Notre bibliothèque
Meyer, R., 1976. Continental sedimentation, soil genesis and marine transgression in the basal beds of the Cretaceous in the east of the Paris Basin. Sedimentology. Amsterdam. 23 n° 2. p. 235-253.

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