Étude Sédimentologique du Minerai de fer Oolithique de lorraine
Titre | Étude Sédimentologique du Minerai de fer Oolithique de lorraine |
Titre court | Étude Sédimentologique du Minerai de fer Oolithique de lorraine |
Type de document | chapitre |
Auteur(s) | Bubenicek, L. |
Date | 1964 |
Titre de la publication | Sedimentology and Ore Genesis |
Editeur | Amstutz, G.-C. |
Volume | vol. 2 |
N° de page(s) | 113-122 |
Résumé | Detailed petrographic analysis of the oolitic iron minerals of Lorraine makes it possible to recognize the part played by diagenetic processes, which have contributed in giving the minette ore its present appearance. These processes consisted mainly in the concentration, leading to the formation of concretions, of the calcite material of shells, and in the reduction of the iron, which resulted in the formation of new minerals—namely, chlorite, siderite, and pyrite. In studying the distribution of the ore layers in the whole formation, granulometrical sequences have become apparent, in which the mean diameter of the detrital grains increases from the base to the top; they are negative sequences. The formation of such sequences can only be explained as the result of regressions that led, at a given point, to the deposition of coarser and littoral material on older sediments of finer grain. The intervening transgressions have resulted in little sedimentation, the material having a reworked character. |
DOI | doi.org/10.1016/S0070-4571(08)70534-X |
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