Second report (1993) on the first three GIT-IWG Rock reference samples: anorthosite from Greenland, AN-G; Bsalte d'Essey-la-Côte, BE-N; Granite de Beauvoir, MA-N

Titre Second report (1993) on the first three GIT-IWG Rock reference samples: anorthosite from Greenland, AN-G; Bsalte d'Essey-la-Côte, BE-N; Granite de Beauvoir, MA-N
Type de document article
Auteur(s) Govindaraju, K.
Roelandts, I.
Date 1993
Titre de la publication Geostandards Newsletter
Volume 17
N° de page(s) 227-294
Résumé The first report (1980) on the threesamples,Anorthosite AN-G, Basalt BE-N and Granite MA-N resulted in the chemical characterization of major, minor and 30 trace elements. The present report confiis the validity of a great majority of these working values, in addition to presenting working values for 20 more trace elements for each sample. Only compiled data on trace elements are presented, followed by Tables of statistical param- eters used as a basis for their evaluation, both statistical and subjective. A plea is made to obtain more data on platinum group elements and on other “difficult” trace elements (Au, B, Bi, Se, Te, TI, ...). The three samples have been processed in 900 kg amounts and, therefore, they are likely to remain available for some decades to come. As such, it is certainly worthwhile to take pains to characterize them well for even these difficult trace elements.
Langue Anglais
Collection Notre bibliothèque
Govindaraju, K. and Roelandts, I., 1993. Second report (1993) on the first three GIT-IWG Rock reference samples: anorthosite from Greenland, AN-G; Bsalte d'Essey-la-Côte, BE-N; Granite de Beauvoir, MA-N. Geostandards Newsletter. 17 n° 2. p. 227-294.

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