Creep closure rate of a shallow salt cavern at Gellenoncourt, France

Titre Creep closure rate of a shallow salt cavern at Gellenoncourt, France
Titre court Creep closure rate of a shallow salt cavern at Gellenoncourt, France
Type de document article
Auteur(s) Brouard, B.
Bereste, P.
de Greef, V.
Beraud, J.-F.
Lheur, C.
Hertz, E.
Date 2013
Titre de la publication International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences (1997)
Volume vol. 62
N° de page(s) 42-50
Résumé Cavern creep closure rate was recorded in the SG13-SG14 salt cavern of the Gellenoncourt brine field operated by CSME at Gellenoncourt in Lorraine, France. Cavern compressibility and the evolution of cavern brine temperature first were measured. In this shallow cavern (250-m, or 800-ft, deep), which had been kept idle for 30 years, cavern-brine thermal expansion can be disregarded. To assess cavern closure rate, a 10-month brine-outflow test was performed, followed by a 6-month shut-in test. During the tests, brine outflow or pressure evolution is influenced by atmospheric pressure changes, ground temperature changes and Earth tides. From the average pressure-evolution rate, it can be inferred that the steady-state cavern closure rate is slower than 10 (super -5) /year or 3X10 (super -13) /s.
ISSN 1365-1609
DOI 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2012.12.030
Langue Anglais
Collection Notre bibliothèque
Brouard, B. et al., 2013. Creep closure rate of a shallow salt cavern at Gellenoncourt, France. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences (1997). vol. 62. p. 42-50. ISSN : 1365-1609.

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