Natural hydraulic fractures in the eastern Paris Basin

Titre Natural hydraulic fractures in the eastern Paris Basin
Titre court Natural hydraulic fractures in the eastern Paris Basin
Type de document article
Auteur(s) Cobbold, P.
Zenella, A.
Fourdan, B.
Neraudeau, D.
Gouttefangeas, F.
Date 2015
Titre de la publication Bulletin d'information des Geologues du Bassin de Paris
Volume vol. 52
N° de page(s) 23-30
Résumé Within hydrocarbon-producing sedimentary basins it is not uncommon to find bedding-parallel veins of fibrous calcite (beef). They tend to be abundant within source rock that has reached the oil window. Good examples occur in the Wessex Basin (England) and the Neuquen Basin (Argentina), where calcite crystals have inclusions of oil, gas or bitumen. We interpret such veins as having resulted from natural hydraulic fracturing, as a result of overpressure during maturation of organic matter. In the Paris Basin, notably in Lorraine, certain geologists (Marcel Denaeyer and Pierre Maubeuge) had described outcrops bearing fibrous calcite veins, especially within Toarcian shale, but also within older layers (Triassic) or younger ones (Bajocian or Oxfordian). On searching for such outcrops, we found beef veins in (1) Triassic strata at Blainville and (2) Liassic Schists carton at Gelaucourt. At other localities, we found fibrous veins of calcite, which had less diagnostic forms, or even resembled fossil bivalves (Trichites).
ISSN 0374-1346
Langue Anglais
Collection Notre bibliothèque
Cobbold, P. et al., 2015. Natural hydraulic fractures in the eastern Paris Basin. Bulletin d'information des Geologues du Bassin de Paris. vol. 52 n° 2. p. 23-30. ISSN : 0374-1346.

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