Aspects of late triassic palynology. 2. Palynology of the “grès et schiste à <em>Avicula contorta</em>” and “Argiles de levallois” (Rhaetian) of northeastern France and Southern Luxemburg

Titre Aspects of late triassic palynology. 2. Palynology of the “grès et schiste à <em>Avicula contorta</em>” and “Argiles de levallois” (Rhaetian) of northeastern France and Southern Luxemburg
Titre court Aspects of late triassic palynology. 2. Palynology of the “grès et schiste à <em>Avicula contorta</em>” and “Argiles de levallois” (Rhaetian) of northeastern France and Southern Luxemburg
Type de document article
Auteur(s) Schuurman, W.M.L.
Date 1977
Titre de la publication Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology
Volume vol. 23
N° de page(s) 159-169, 173-253
Résumé <div>
<p>The present paper (1) provides an analysis of the quantitative/qualitative composition of the palynological assemblages from the “Grès et Schiste à<em>Avicula contorta</em>” and “Argiles de Levallois” of northeastern France and southern Luxemburg, and (2) emphasizes the regional palynostratigraphical potentiality of successive phases recognizable in the gradual compositional development of palynological assemblages from latest Triassic—earliest Jurassic deposits from the Germanic realm.</p>
<p>On the basis of the combined presence of <em>Ovalipollis pseudoalatus, Ricciisporites tuberculatus, Rhaetipollis germanicus, Granuloperculatipollis rudis</em> and <em>Corollina</em> spp. the successive assemblages found constitute a single local assemblage zone which may be subdivided into three sub-zones.</p>
<p>A proposed scheme of five successive phases in compositional development of palynological assemblages—partly hypothetical in northeastern France and southern Luxemburg—is considered to facilitate realistic long-range palynostratigraphical correlation of latest Triassic—earliest Jurassic successions.</p>
<p>The taxonomic part includes: (1) the formal description of the new formgenus <em>Asseretospora</em>; (2) the formal description of the new species <em>Thymospora canaliculata</em> and <em>Duplicisporites kedangensis</em>; (3) emended diagnoses of <em>Rhaetipollis</em> and <em>Acanthotriletes varius</em>; and (4) formal proposals of the new combinations <em>Deltoidospora mesozoicus, Retusotriletes hercynicus, Stereisporites nochtenensis, Asseretospora gyrata</em> and <em>Podocarpidites keuperianus</em>.</p>
Collection Notre bibliothèque
Schuurman, W.M.L., 1977. Aspects of late triassic palynology. 2. Palynology of the “grès et schiste à Avicula contorta” and “Argiles de levallois” (Rhaetian) of northeastern France and Southern Luxemburg. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. vol. 23 n° 3. p. 159-169, 173-253.

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