Origin and evolution of hydrocarbons in Early Toarcian Shales, Paris Basin, France

Titre Origin and evolution of hydrocarbons in Early Toarcian Shales, Paris Basin, France
Titre court Origin and evolution of hydrocarbons in Early Toarcian Shales, Paris Basin, France
Type de document article
Auteur(s) Tissot, B.
Califet-Debyser, Y.
Deroo, G.
Oudin, J.-L.
Date 1971
Titre de la publication The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin
Volume 55
Nombre de pages 2177-2193
Planches et figures 25 figs, 4 tables
Langue Anglais
Collection Notre bibliothèque
Tissot, B. et al., 1971. Origin and evolution of hydrocarbons in Early Toarcian Shales, Paris Basin, France. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin. 55 n° 12. 2177-2193 p. 25 figs, 4 tables.

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