Distal facies patterns of the Luxembourg sandstone in the region of Charleville - Sedan (NE France)

Titre Distal facies patterns of the Luxembourg sandstone in the region of Charleville - Sedan (NE France)
Titre court Distal facies patterns of the Luxembourg sandstone in the region of Charleville - Sedan (NE France)
Type de document conférence
Auteur(s) Bock, H.
Date 1988
Conférence 9th IAS Regional Meeting of Sedimentology, Louvain
Editeur R. Swennen
Lieu d'édition Leuven
N° de page(s) 20-21
Collection Notre bibliothèque
Bock, H., 1988. Distal facies patterns of the Luxembourg sandstone in the region of Charleville - Sedan (NE France). 9th IAS Regional Meeting of Sedimentology, Louvain. R. Swennen, Leuven. p. 20-21.

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