Une faune en milieu détritique côtier: les bryozoaires hauteriviens d'Ancerville, Meuse (est du Bassin de Paris)

Titre Une faune en milieu détritique côtier: les bryozoaires hauteriviens d'Ancerville, Meuse (est du Bassin de Paris)
Titre court Une faune en milieu détritique côtier: les bryozoaires hauteriviens d'Ancerville, Meuse (est du Bassin de Paris)
Type de document article
Auteur(s) Walter, B.
Date 1994
Titre de la publication Cretaceous Research
Volume vol. 15
N° de page(s) 583-598
Résumé The Neocomian transgression arrived earlier (during the Late Valanginian) in the north-eastern part of the Paris Basin than elsewhere in the basin, terminating a phase of emergence which had begun at the end of the Jurassic. The establishment of a Valanginian bryozoan fauna would have been possible in this area. However, study of bryozoan faunas at Ancerville demonstrates that bryozoans do not appear until the base of the 'Marnes bleues' (clayey facies) and disappear in the upper part of the 'Calcaire à Spatangues'. Bryozoans are thus limited to the Lower Hauterivian (Radiatus Zone), the time of maximum Neocomian transgression. The Ancerville fauna is a variant of the Jura fauna of equivalent age ("fauna 3" of Walter, 1989c). Differences are the result of the shallower depth of deposition (20-50 m) and closer proximity of the shoreline which facilitated the accumulation of clays and sands. At times, especially indicated at the base and top of the 'Marnes bleues', reduced salinity may have been an additional factor explaining the low diversity, as is observed in the distal parts of modem deltas.
DOI doi.org/10.1006/cres.1994.1034
Collection Notre bibliothèque
Walter, B., 1994. Une faune en milieu détritique côtier: les bryozoaires hauteriviens d'Ancerville, Meuse (est du Bassin de Paris). Cretaceous Research. vol. 15 n° 5. p. 583-598.

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