A new Callorhinchid genus (Holocephali, Chimaeroidei) from the Early Bajocian of Ottange-Rumelange, on the Luxembourg-French border

Titre A new Callorhinchid genus (Holocephali, Chimaeroidei) from the Early Bajocian of Ottange-Rumelange, on the Luxembourg-French border
Titre court A new Callorhinchid genus (Holocephali, Chimaeroidei) from the Early Bajocian of Ottange-Rumelange, on the Luxembourg-French border
Type de document article
Auteur(s) Popov, E. V.
Delsate, D.
Felten, R.
Date 2019
Titre de la publication Paleontological research
Volume vol. 23
N° de page(s) 220-230
Résumé An incomplete chimaeroid (<em>Holocephali, Chimaeroidei</em>) mandibular dental plate from the early Bajocian (<em>Humphriesianum</em> Zone) of Ottange-Rumelange, on the Luxembourg-French border, is described as a new genus and species of callorhinchid fish <em>Ottangodus lotharingiae</em> gen. et sp. nov. Comparison of the described plate with other Jurassic chimaeriform fish (both myricanthid and chimaeroid) mandibular plates shows relationships with callorhinchids and in turn close relationships with the genus <em>Pachymylus Woodward</em>, known from the Callovian of England. The plate of the new genus shows a set of primitive characters for chimaeroids (very high descending lamina, low oral part of the plate, large centrally placed median tritor occupying most of the oral part of the plate and an absence of mesio-labial system of the tritors) and could thus belong to a basal <em>Chimaeroidei</em> taxon. This is the first record of the <em>Chimaeroidei</em> from the Jurassic of Lorraine and the fourth chimaeriform genus known from the Mesozoic of the region.
DOI doi.org/10.2517/2018PR021
Collection Notre bibliothèque
Popov, E. V., Delsate, D. and Felten, R., 2019. A new Callorhinchid genus (Holocephali, Chimaeroidei) from the Early Bajocian of Ottange-Rumelange, on the Luxembourg-French border. Paleontological research. vol. 23 n° 3. p. 220-230.

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