Dating fluvial erosion: fluvial response to climate change in the Moselle catchment (France, Germany) since the Late Saalian

Titre Dating fluvial erosion: fluvial response to climate change in the Moselle catchment (France, Germany) since the Late Saalian
Titre court Dating fluvial erosion: fluvial response to climate change in the Moselle catchment (France, Germany) since the Late Saalian
Type de document article
Auteur(s) Cordier, S., M. Frechen, et D. Harmand
Date 2014
Titre de la publication Boreas
Volume 43
Nombre de pages 450-468
ISSN 0300-9483
DOI 10.1111/bor.12057
Collection Notre bibliothèque
Cordier, S., M. Frechen, et D. Harmand, 2014. Dating fluvial erosion: fluvial response to climate change in the Moselle catchment (France, Germany) since the Late Saalian. Boreas. 43 n° 2. 450-468 p. ISSN : 0300-9483.

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