Quaternary river incision in NE Ardennes BelgiumeInsights from 10Be/26Al dating of river terraces

Titre Quaternary river incision in NE Ardennes BelgiumeInsights from 10Be/26Al dating of river terraces
Type de document article
Auteur(s) Rixhon, G.
Braucher, R.
Bourlès, D.
Siame, L.
Bovy, B.
Demoulin, A.
Date 2011
Titre de la publication Quaternary Geochronology
Volume vol. 6
N° de page(s) 273-284
Planches et figures 6 fig
Langue Anglais
Collection Notre bibliothèque
Rixhon, G. et al., 2011. Quaternary river incision in NE Ardennes BelgiumeInsights from 10Be/26Al dating of river terraces. Quaternary Geochronology. vol. 6. p. 273-284. 6 fig.

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