A new tectonic model for the late Paleozoic evolution of the Lorraine-Saar coal-bearing basin France/Germany

Titre A new tectonic model for the late Paleozoic evolution of the Lorraine-Saar coal-bearing basin France/Germany
Type de document article
Auteur(s) Pryvalov, V.
Pironon, J.
Izart, A.
Michels, R
Panova, O.
Date 2015
Titre de la publication Тектоніка і стратиграфія, Tektonika i Stratigraf
Volume vol. 42
N° de page(s) 40-50
Planches et figures 9 fig
Langue Anglais
Collection Notre bibliothèque
Pryvalov, V. et al., 2015. A new tectonic model for the late Paleozoic evolution of the Lorraine-Saar coal-bearing basin France/Germany. Тектоніка і стратиграфія, Tektonika i Stratigraf. vol. 42. p. 40-50. 9 fig. Site : .

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